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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Have   you ever felt tired and groggy after a
meal? It doesn't feel good. And it doesn't lead
to a productive or happy day. In fact, the foods
you eat can even impact the quality of your
relationships. You might not be able to focus
during meetings, or enjoy quality time with
your partner. It's amazing how when we eat
the wrong foods our body promptly responds
with low energy and a moody mind.
Fortunately, when you feed your body the right
foods, your body will soak up all that good
stuff. Not sure what I mean by the "right"
food? Well, these meals are the perfect
place to start. Add them to your daily meals
and you'll feel lighter, happier, and more

 Dark Leafy Greens

These guys top the list because they are high
in vitamins. Spinach, kale, broccoli, and
cabbage are all great choices. You should be
eating at least 2-4 cups per week. Aside from the vitamins, dark leafy vegetables
are a great source of fiber—which your gut
loves. Fiber keeps things moving. And a happy
gut equals a happy, energized you. That means
no bloating and more time feeling great in your
body. If you struggle with tummy issues, eat at
least one serving of leafy greens per day.

Dark Chocolate

Yep, dark chocolate has sugar. But if you
choose low-sugar options, you can get all the
nutritional value without any guilt. Dark
chocolate provides vitamins, minerals, fiber,
and antioxidants. It even gives you a small
dose of caffeine. The caffeine content is small
though, so you don't need to worry about any
It's the perfect treat for the end of a work day
when you need that extra boost to make it
through the final hour. Keep small, single
portions in your desk and sneak a treat when
you need an energy boost.


You can find nuts in energy bars or snack
packs at your local grocery store for good
reason. Almonds, walnuts, cashews, and the
like, offer your body a variety of vitamins,
minerals, and, most importantly, dietary fat.
Fat helps your body use energy over a longer
period of time, which helps keep you from
crashing after snacking. So for sustained
energy, nuts are your go-to energy booster
(provided you don't have a nut allergy). To
keep them super healthy, try to eat sprouted,
soaked, or raw nuts. Your intestines will thank
you. Keep a can at your desk and have a handful
when you're hungry. Walnuts are high in ALA, a
type of omega-3 fatty acid; peanuts are high
in folate and vitamin E; and almonds have
more calcium than any other nut.

Citrus Fruits

Fruit in general is a great energy booster. Your
brain and body love the natural sugar. But,
citrus fruits specifically have the power to
wake you up because they stimulate the
sensory systems in your brain. The smell of an
orange or grapefruit enlivens your senses and
sharpens your focus.
So if you have a long to-do list or a major
project you have to complete by the end of the
day, start your day with a juicy grapefruit or
orange. Or, branch out and try blood oranges,
tangerines, or mandarins.


I know, it seems like a lame tip, but a lot of
women forget to stay hydrated. Your brain
legitimately can't work properly if it's not
hydrated. So, drink up! My favorite way to
drink water (hot or cold) is to add some lemon
slices. That way, I get to harness the power of
citrus while providing my body and mind with
the hydration it needs to stay on point.
Combine these healthy eats with exercise and
you've got a power combo. Stretch, walk, run,
or do yoga—every day. Do this consistently and
you'll feel more energized, with a clearer mind
and body.

  Some other rich protein meals

  Whole eggs are among the healthiest and most
nutritious foods on the planet.
They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, healthy
fats, eye-protecting antioxidants and brain
nutrients that most people don't get enough of.
Whole eggs are high in protein, but egg whites are
almost pure protein.
Protein content: 35% of calories in a whole egg. 1
large egg contains 6 grams of protein, contains 78 calories.

 is incredibly healthy, for various reasons .
It is loaded with various important nutrients, and
tends to be very high in heart-healthy omega-3
fatty acids.
Protein content: Highly variable. Salmon is 46%
protein, with 19 grams per 3 ounce (85 g) serving,
with 175 calories

 is highly nutritious, but the problem is that a
huge percentage of the world's adults are
intolerant to it.
However, if you tolerate milk and enjoy drinking
it, then milk can be an excellent source of high-
quality protein.
Milk contains a little bit of almost every single
nutrient needed by the human body.
It is particularly high in calcium , phosphorus and
riboflavin (vitamin B2).
Protein content: 21% of calories. 1 cup of whole
milk contains 8 grams of protein, with 149

     Chicken breast is one of the most popular
protein-rich foods.
If you eat it without the skin, the majority of the
calories in it come from protein.
Chicken breast is also very easy to cook, and
tastes delicious if you do it right.
Protein content: 80% of calories. 1 roasted
chicken breast without skin contains 53 grams,
with only 284 calories.


The importance of eating enough protein can not
be overstated.
It is the simplest, easiest and most delicious way
to lose weight and have a better looking body. Ditto to what's above

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Athletic performance requires a combination of
strength, power,skills endurance, and a whole lot
more. These exercises will help you prepare for
success no matter what the situation.
Tips to improve your athletic prowess?
There's more to it than just ramping up your
sets and reps. To improve your overall
athleticism, you need to work on not just your
strength, but your power, endurance, balance,
agility, and flexibility. Such a diverse set of
skills calls for a diverse set of exercises, and
we've got you some  to add to your daily

. Plank Hold: The Ultimate Test For
Your Core
Finally, don't forget about the plank. In 2016, a
Chinese policeman named Mao Weidong
established a new world record by staying in
the plank position for more than eight hours.
Don't be intimidated, though. A realistic goal
for most people is to hold the position for a
minute or so at a time.

While this exercise itself may not actually build
significant power, it'll seriously strengthen your
core while building endurance. Both core
strength and endurance can improve your
performance on any other power-building
exercises you perform.
When you can sustain a strong core, you can
also improve your body's ability to transfer
energy from your lower to upper torso, a
valuable skill in athletic pursuits from pole
vaulting to pitching.

2. Unilateral Dumbbell Snatch:

Your Athleticism
Another great move for boosting your
athleticism is the unilateral dumbbell snatch,
which is great for improving overall
performance levels.
This compound lift will challenge—and change
—your body if you do it consistently. There are
many ways to perform dumbbell snatches. You
can time them, alternate them, or use
ascending reps with them.
Like the other exercises I've described, the
unilateral dumbbell snatch is a great full-body
exercise that works your hamstrings, glutes,
quads, core, back, shoulders, biceps, and
triceps in one fluid movement. You'll get your
heart rate up, build strength and power, and
improve your agility.

The Walking Lunge:

 Stroll To Get
If it's a lower- or full-body workout you're
after, walking lunges are a must. There's no
denying that heavy squats provide an
unsurpassed lower-body pump, but walking
lunges tend to do more to improve overall
First, they'll test your balance and agility as
you transfer your weight from step to step.
Squats, and many other lower-body exercises,
don't involve this same kind of weight transfer,
so they don't challenge your stability to quite
the same extent. This lunge is also terrific for improving core
strength, as your ab muscles contract with
each lunge to help stabilize the weight over
your center of balance.
Walking lunges are also good for building
strength and power. By loading up enough
weight and focusing on the upward movement
of the lunge, you'll quickly see improvements in
strength and power.

4. Push Press:

 When Exercises Collide
If you prefer heavier lifting using compound
lifts, the push press will be a great addition to
your workout routine. What's not to like about
an exercise that combines a deadlift, a squat,
and an overhead press? It's the gym version of
a Heffalump.
With every rep, you'll hit your quads,
hamstrings, glutes, core, back, shoulders,
biceps, and triceps. Because it has such total-
body activation, the push press is a great way
to both increase your strength and burn more
calories. You'll torch fat not only while you do
this exercise, but for hours after you've laid
this strange beast to rest.

5. Box Jump:

 It's Not Always About
Box jumps are a go-to movement for boosting
athleticism. And you don't need a very tall box
or platform to reap big benefits. Start by
jumping up the height of just one stair. Then
add height as you get stronger.
Pause each time you land and step back off
the box or platform one foot at a time, instead
of jumping off with both feet at once. Stepping
instead of jumping helps prevent impact
injuries that can derail your training.** Box jumps are a total lower-body movement.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Exercise turns you young forever
   Many think of exercise as the solution for all
of their health woes—even those related to
the aging process. Of course, no amount of
physical activity can stop us from getting
older, but there's plenty of evidence that
proves that physical activity can increase life
expectancy by limiting the development and
progression of chronic diseases—something
many folks start thinking about after they
turn 40.
 "There comes a point when we realize we're
no longer invincible," says Holly Perkins, a
personal trainer and author of Lift to Get
Lean. "Believe it or not, the body starts to
decline after about 30, and that decline gets
more aggressive every year." The good news:
Exercise not only helps you feel (and look!)
better, it can also slow that decline, helping
you stave off some common health
Here, five exercises you should start doing
every week once you're in your 40s to stay
healthy, happy, and looking as great as you

   Cardiovascular workouts, 3 to 4 times a
Less than 1% of American women between
the ages of 20 and 39 suffer from coronary
heart disease, according to a recent National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
However, among 40- to 59-year-olds, that
number increases nearly 10-fold, to 5.6%. So
how can you stay healthy?
The word "cardio" is short for
"cardiovascular," so many people know that
this kind of heart-pumping exercise will keep
the heart muscle strong, Perkins says.
(Running, spinning, dancing, rowing, and
swimming all count!) However, if you really
want your heart health to benefit from your
cardio workouts, you need to exercise at 80%
of your maximum heart rate for at least 30
minutes, 3 to 4 times a week. (On a scale of
one to 10, with 10 being as hard as you can
push yourself, you should be around an 8.)
So, if you're barely breaking a sweat while
walking or taking it easy during your favorite
Zumba class, it's time to pick up your pace
and increase your effort, Perkins says.
"Cardio workouts should feel effortful—like
you could do it forever but wouldn't want

 High-impact activities, 1 to 2 times a
According to the National Osteoporosis
Foundation, approximately 1 in 2 women
over age 50 will break a bone because of
osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones
become brittle, increasing the risk of
fractures. While you may already know that calcium
can keep your skeletal system strong, recent
research reveals that high-impact, weight-
bearing exercise can help build bone
strength, too, Perkins notes. "There's still
widespread misperception that high-impact
activities do more harm than good, but that's
simply not the case—particularly when it
comes to bone health," she says.
"Dancing , jumping jacks, racquet sports, and
even adding a light jog into your go-to
walking workout are all great examples of
exercise that can keep your bones

  Strength training, 2 to 3 times a week
The risk of developing arthritis increases with
age. However, chronic joint pain and stiffness
can plague adults of all ages—especially those
who are overweight and those who have
suffered a previous joint injury, according to
the Arthritis Foundation. That said, it's never
too soon to start protecting your body. Strength training is one of the best ways to
prevent the aches and pains . "Strength
training has been proven to decrease pain
associated with arthritis—and prevent its
onset in the first place," Perkins explains.
And you don't have to spend hours in the
weight room to reap the benefits. "All you
really need to do is some form of a squat,
deadlift, and overhead press to strengthen
multiple joints and muscles.

Yoga, once a week
Women between ages 45 and 64 have an
increased risk of depression , according to
John Hopkins Medicine, one of the leading
healthcare systems in the United States.
Though any form of exercise can help stave
off anxiety and depression a growing body
of research shows yoga may be particularly
beneficial for reducing stress and regulating
mood. One study found that yoga increases
levels of GABA, a mood-regulating
neurotransmitter that's typically deficient in
those with depression and anxiety. Another
study found that women suffering from
mental distress were less stressed after
participating in a three-month yoga class.
"We know that yoga is so good for stress
reduction, and we know there's a correlation
between stress and mood disorders," Perkins
says. "Even better, certain styles of yoga are
also a great weight-bearing strength workout
and even offer some cardiovascular
conditioning, making it a win all around.

Holding a plank for 90 seconds, 3 times a
Most people experience back pain for the first
time between the ages of 30 to 40, and back
pain becomes more common as we get older,
according to the National Institute of Arthritis
and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, a
division of the National Institutes of Health.
Strengthening your core can help ward off
the pain. The plank is a great move to try
because it tones all of the core muscles of the
body. Not only does it work the abs, it also
challenges the muscles in the chest and those
surrounding the spine, Perkins explains. "As
these muscles become stronger, your entire
midsection tightens, which ultimately
supports your lower back, keeping it pain-
To ensure you're holding the plank position
correctly, stack your wrists under your
elbows, position your elbows under your
shoulders, and push the floor away from you
with your feet. Your legs should be
outstretched behind you, and your feet should
be shoulder-distance apart. Also, be sure to
pull your bellybutton in towards your spine
to turn "on" your abs. Stay here for 30
seconds, come down to your knees to take a
short break, and then repeat the exercise two
more times. As you get stronger, try holding
the position for 90 seconds without a break.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

   I'm sure everyone has that one friend who is so
genetically blessed that he can blink an eye and
magically drop to sub-10-percent body fat. Everyone
else has to dial in their diet and tweak their training.
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, fat doesn't
evacuate from your body as quickly as you'd like.
The first instinct might be to dramatically increase
calorie deficit and caloric expenditure, but that can
bring about detrimental long-term effects on your
body. Has your fat loss stalled? Burn more calories and
lose more weight by trying one of these

 1: Master The Energy Balance Equation
Fat loss responds best to the most reductive nature
of this calorie balance equation: Calories consumed
must be less than calories burned. In order to hit
that deficit, James Grage uses cardio to achieve
proper balance in his routine.
"My steady-state cardio in the morning is the first
layer of the foundation, and I'll do anywhere from
25-35 minutes on the elliptical, five days a week," he
explains. It doesn't stop there.
James doubles up his workout with a resistance
training session later and squeezes in 90 seconds of
high intensity cardio between his sets. He prefers
the jump rope; he can carry it around from exercise
to exercise. If he does 18-20 sets in a session, this
adds up to an additional 30 minutes of cardio
training. Cardio does not need to be performed
continuously on a machine for it to be "cardio.
Carb cycling means you'll eat your target carbs on
training days and approximately 50 percent of your
normal carb intake on non-training or light cardio
days. This strategy helps blunt fat storage on resting
days and restores muscle glycogen in a
supercompensated fashion. It also combats the
metabolic crash associated with conventional low-
calorie diets and keeps a strong satiety signal
throughout the body.
If you find yourself at a loss for what to eat on
training days, whey protein is a great way to keep up
with your protein macros. The fiber will also keep
you full, decreasing the likelihood you'll binge on
empty carb-loaded calories when a craving hits.
Choose a whey that's low in carbs on your training
days, and reserve the mass-gainer protein for days
when you want to carb load.

 3: Do Dropsets
Dropsets can also be an effective way to turn up
your metabolic furnace. To perform a dropset, you
simply perform an exercise at a heavy weight until
failure, then immediately drop the weight and bang
out more reps until failure.
Continue this pattern until your muscles scream in
agony. When incorporated correctly, dropsets will
tear into your muscle glycogen, which will then
create a greater post-exercise metabolic response
from the intensity and will need to restore your
body's sapped glycogen.
Just be wary that too many dropsets can make
Timmy a dull boy, too. This is especially true if you
don't get enough carbs throughout the day; use this
technique wisely
4:  Make Your Meal Plan Mindless
You need to ditch your habits of weighing your food
to the gram at your desk and crunching numbers
throughout the day. The less you stress about eating,
the better are your chances to stick with your eating
plan and avoid making decisions that could set you
back. After all, it just takes one giant binge to
completely erase a week's worth of effort, so make
every bite count.
Just take one day of the week—say, Sunday—and
spend all day in the kitchen, preparing and portioning
out all your food among towers of Tupperware. While
your friends and family may snort at the sight, you
know a week's worth of muscle-fueling, fat-bashing
food will be within arm's reach.
5:    Perform Compound Supersets
Many people default to a full-body workout program
to include intense compound exercises and make
workouts more efficient. Why not add compound
By pairing two major exercises back-to-back like this
—the squat and bench press, for example—you end
up recruiting many more muscle fibers over a shorter
period of time. You'll not only burn more calories
during your workout, but you'll continue to burn more
once it's over.
6:    Build a better breakfast.
All meals are important, but breakfast is what helps
you start your day on the right track. The best,
heartiest breakfasts are ones that will fill you up,
keep you satisfied and stave off cravings later in the
day. Aim to eat anywhere between 400 and 500
calories for your morning meal, and make sure you're
including a source of lean protein plus filling fat (e.g.
eggs, beans, unsweetened greek yogurt, nuts or nut
butters) and fiber (veggies, fruit or 100% whole-
grains). Starting your day with a blood-sugar-
stabilizing blend of nutrients will help you slim down
without sacrifice.

7:    Know your limits with salt.
When it comes by buying snacks, a "low sodium"
product has to be 140mg or less per serving — so if
you're REALLY in a bind, you can follow that
guideline for what to put in your card.

8:   Buy a set of 5-pound weights .
It's a one-time investment you'll never regret. Here's
why: Strength training builds lean muscle tissue,
which burns more calories — at work or at rest — 24
hours a day, seven days a week. The more lean
muscle you have, the faster you'll slim down. How do
you start strength training? Try some push-ups or a
few squats or lunges. Use your free weights to
perform simple biceps curls or triceps pulls right in
your home or office. Do these exercises three to four
times per week, and you'll soon see a rapid
improvement in your physique.

9:   Go to bed.
As funny as it sounds, sleep deprivation may make
you fat — and not just because you're susceptible to
cases of the late-night munchies (although there's
that too). There's tons of research that
demonstrates getting less than the desired amount —
about 7 hours — of sleep per night can slow down
your metabolism. Plus, when you're awake for longer,
you're naturally more likely to nosh (you'll physically
feel hungrier!) So don't skimp on your ZZZs, and
you'll be rewarded with an extra edge when it comes
to shedding pounds quickly



Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Tired of trying to memorize a book of deadlift cues and still getting hurt? Turn the lift upside down,
, transform the way you think about it, and revolutionize your training!Tired of trying to memorize a book of deadlift cues and still getting hurt? Turn the lift upside down, transform the way you think about it, and revolutionize your training!
The deadlift is where it all gets serious in the weight room. There are so many moving parts, and so many things to remember, that plenty of lifters would rather just skip it altogether. The number of people who claim that deadlifts "ruined their back" doesn't help anything, either.

So here I am, a bodybuilder—definitely not a powerlifter—speaking up in defense of the deadlift. Why? It's one of the best movements you can do, period. If you want to add muscle, it can help you. If you're looking to lose weight, it burns tons of calories. It will even help strengthen your lower back over time, as long as you do it right.
1. Bend At The Knees First, Not The Hips

Once I step back and set my feet, I bend my knees first—not my hips. Do not—I repeat, do not—start the movement by bending forward at the waist. You have to resist every temptation to simply bend over.

The bar should graze your thighs, just barely clear your kneecaps, and come as close as possible to your shins. The further the bar drifts forward, the greater the likelihood that the weight will touch the ground and not move back up.

2. Keep Your Chest Up

When you step out from the rack, think "chest up" right away. Then keep thinking it as you break at the knees.

This is a classic deadlift cue, but when you perform them top-down, it's even more essential. It's the difference between simply bending over—which is bad news and puts you at a serious disadvantage at the bottom—and loading your hips, legs, and glutes for action
.3. Keep Your Butt Down

You'll hear people say that cueing "butt down" makes for an overly squatty deadlift, but in action, I find that's not the case, particularly when performing reps top-down. As long as you keep your chest as high as possible, and the bar tight to your body, you'll find the right line for a conventional deadlift.

Ideally, keep your back at as steep an angle as possible, with your chest as high above your ass as your body will permit. If your chest is high, your ass should be down, and vice versa.

4. Think Push, Not Pull

It is essential to think about the deadlift as a pushing movement. Deadlifting as a push movement? Have I lost my mind? Bear with me. If you approach deadlifting as a pull movement, you are far more likely to destroy your lower back.

It is essential to make full use of your lower body—namely the hips, legs, and glutes—in this movement. The simple act of thinking "push" rather than "pull" turns this switch on for me.

Once you reach the bottom of the movement and the plates hit the floor, try to push the floor away using your heels. Some lifters find it helpful to imagine falling backward with the weight as they descend. Of course, with all that weight being held in front of you, you won't actually fall.

If your chest is up and ass is down, driving with your heels will force you to use your hips and glutes to drive the weight out of the hole rather than your knees and lower back. This is more powerful, and it is much safer.

5. Don't Squeeze Your Back Until The End

It is not until the top 25-30 percent of the lift that I will actively try to contract my back. Once the bar has cleared your knees on its way up and is approaching mid-thigh, begin to roll your shoulders back and emphasize the squeeze in your back.

As far as the back muscles are concerned, the majority of the deadlift is a static hold. You are doing all that you can to maintain posture and use the muscles of the lower body to move the weight until the back muscles finally have to contract.

To recap: At the bottom of the movement, forcefully push the floor with your legs. At the top of the movement, actively squeeze your back. Push, squeeze, push, squeeze, and so on.