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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Have   you ever felt tired and groggy after a
meal? It doesn't feel good. And it doesn't lead
to a productive or happy day. In fact, the foods
you eat can even impact the quality of your
relationships. You might not be able to focus
during meetings, or enjoy quality time with
your partner. It's amazing how when we eat
the wrong foods our body promptly responds
with low energy and a moody mind.
Fortunately, when you feed your body the right
foods, your body will soak up all that good
stuff. Not sure what I mean by the "right"
food? Well, these meals are the perfect
place to start. Add them to your daily meals
and you'll feel lighter, happier, and more

 Dark Leafy Greens

These guys top the list because they are high
in vitamins. Spinach, kale, broccoli, and
cabbage are all great choices. You should be
eating at least 2-4 cups per week. Aside from the vitamins, dark leafy vegetables
are a great source of fiber—which your gut
loves. Fiber keeps things moving. And a happy
gut equals a happy, energized you. That means
no bloating and more time feeling great in your
body. If you struggle with tummy issues, eat at
least one serving of leafy greens per day.

Dark Chocolate

Yep, dark chocolate has sugar. But if you
choose low-sugar options, you can get all the
nutritional value without any guilt. Dark
chocolate provides vitamins, minerals, fiber,
and antioxidants. It even gives you a small
dose of caffeine. The caffeine content is small
though, so you don't need to worry about any
It's the perfect treat for the end of a work day
when you need that extra boost to make it
through the final hour. Keep small, single
portions in your desk and sneak a treat when
you need an energy boost.


You can find nuts in energy bars or snack
packs at your local grocery store for good
reason. Almonds, walnuts, cashews, and the
like, offer your body a variety of vitamins,
minerals, and, most importantly, dietary fat.
Fat helps your body use energy over a longer
period of time, which helps keep you from
crashing after snacking. So for sustained
energy, nuts are your go-to energy booster
(provided you don't have a nut allergy). To
keep them super healthy, try to eat sprouted,
soaked, or raw nuts. Your intestines will thank
you. Keep a can at your desk and have a handful
when you're hungry. Walnuts are high in ALA, a
type of omega-3 fatty acid; peanuts are high
in folate and vitamin E; and almonds have
more calcium than any other nut.

Citrus Fruits

Fruit in general is a great energy booster. Your
brain and body love the natural sugar. But,
citrus fruits specifically have the power to
wake you up because they stimulate the
sensory systems in your brain. The smell of an
orange or grapefruit enlivens your senses and
sharpens your focus.
So if you have a long to-do list or a major
project you have to complete by the end of the
day, start your day with a juicy grapefruit or
orange. Or, branch out and try blood oranges,
tangerines, or mandarins.


I know, it seems like a lame tip, but a lot of
women forget to stay hydrated. Your brain
legitimately can't work properly if it's not
hydrated. So, drink up! My favorite way to
drink water (hot or cold) is to add some lemon
slices. That way, I get to harness the power of
citrus while providing my body and mind with
the hydration it needs to stay on point.
Combine these healthy eats with exercise and
you've got a power combo. Stretch, walk, run,
or do yoga—every day. Do this consistently and
you'll feel more energized, with a clearer mind
and body.

  Some other rich protein meals

  Whole eggs are among the healthiest and most
nutritious foods on the planet.
They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, healthy
fats, eye-protecting antioxidants and brain
nutrients that most people don't get enough of.
Whole eggs are high in protein, but egg whites are
almost pure protein.
Protein content: 35% of calories in a whole egg. 1
large egg contains 6 grams of protein, contains 78 calories.

 is incredibly healthy, for various reasons .
It is loaded with various important nutrients, and
tends to be very high in heart-healthy omega-3
fatty acids.
Protein content: Highly variable. Salmon is 46%
protein, with 19 grams per 3 ounce (85 g) serving,
with 175 calories

 is highly nutritious, but the problem is that a
huge percentage of the world's adults are
intolerant to it.
However, if you tolerate milk and enjoy drinking
it, then milk can be an excellent source of high-
quality protein.
Milk contains a little bit of almost every single
nutrient needed by the human body.
It is particularly high in calcium , phosphorus and
riboflavin (vitamin B2).
Protein content: 21% of calories. 1 cup of whole
milk contains 8 grams of protein, with 149

     Chicken breast is one of the most popular
protein-rich foods.
If you eat it without the skin, the majority of the
calories in it come from protein.
Chicken breast is also very easy to cook, and
tastes delicious if you do it right.
Protein content: 80% of calories. 1 roasted
chicken breast without skin contains 53 grams,
with only 284 calories.


The importance of eating enough protein can not
be overstated.
It is the simplest, easiest and most delicious way
to lose weight and have a better looking body. Ditto to what's above

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Athletic performance requires a combination of
strength, power,skills endurance, and a whole lot
more. These exercises will help you prepare for
success no matter what the situation.
Tips to improve your athletic prowess?
There's more to it than just ramping up your
sets and reps. To improve your overall
athleticism, you need to work on not just your
strength, but your power, endurance, balance,
agility, and flexibility. Such a diverse set of
skills calls for a diverse set of exercises, and
we've got you some  to add to your daily

. Plank Hold: The Ultimate Test For
Your Core
Finally, don't forget about the plank. In 2016, a
Chinese policeman named Mao Weidong
established a new world record by staying in
the plank position for more than eight hours.
Don't be intimidated, though. A realistic goal
for most people is to hold the position for a
minute or so at a time.

While this exercise itself may not actually build
significant power, it'll seriously strengthen your
core while building endurance. Both core
strength and endurance can improve your
performance on any other power-building
exercises you perform.
When you can sustain a strong core, you can
also improve your body's ability to transfer
energy from your lower to upper torso, a
valuable skill in athletic pursuits from pole
vaulting to pitching.

2. Unilateral Dumbbell Snatch:

Your Athleticism
Another great move for boosting your
athleticism is the unilateral dumbbell snatch,
which is great for improving overall
performance levels.
This compound lift will challenge—and change
—your body if you do it consistently. There are
many ways to perform dumbbell snatches. You
can time them, alternate them, or use
ascending reps with them.
Like the other exercises I've described, the
unilateral dumbbell snatch is a great full-body
exercise that works your hamstrings, glutes,
quads, core, back, shoulders, biceps, and
triceps in one fluid movement. You'll get your
heart rate up, build strength and power, and
improve your agility.

The Walking Lunge:

 Stroll To Get
If it's a lower- or full-body workout you're
after, walking lunges are a must. There's no
denying that heavy squats provide an
unsurpassed lower-body pump, but walking
lunges tend to do more to improve overall
First, they'll test your balance and agility as
you transfer your weight from step to step.
Squats, and many other lower-body exercises,
don't involve this same kind of weight transfer,
so they don't challenge your stability to quite
the same extent. This lunge is also terrific for improving core
strength, as your ab muscles contract with
each lunge to help stabilize the weight over
your center of balance.
Walking lunges are also good for building
strength and power. By loading up enough
weight and focusing on the upward movement
of the lunge, you'll quickly see improvements in
strength and power.

4. Push Press:

 When Exercises Collide
If you prefer heavier lifting using compound
lifts, the push press will be a great addition to
your workout routine. What's not to like about
an exercise that combines a deadlift, a squat,
and an overhead press? It's the gym version of
a Heffalump.
With every rep, you'll hit your quads,
hamstrings, glutes, core, back, shoulders,
biceps, and triceps. Because it has such total-
body activation, the push press is a great way
to both increase your strength and burn more
calories. You'll torch fat not only while you do
this exercise, but for hours after you've laid
this strange beast to rest.

5. Box Jump:

 It's Not Always About
Box jumps are a go-to movement for boosting
athleticism. And you don't need a very tall box
or platform to reap big benefits. Start by
jumping up the height of just one stair. Then
add height as you get stronger.
Pause each time you land and step back off
the box or platform one foot at a time, instead
of jumping off with both feet at once. Stepping
instead of jumping helps prevent impact
injuries that can derail your training.** Box jumps are a total lower-body movement.